Plush Tybalt Backpack

GW2_Plush Tybalt Backpack_05I’ve been drooling over the plush tybalt backpack ever since I first read a post on reddit that this is in the game data. Now it’s finally here and bookahnerk bought two of them. One for me and one for himself. Since our main characters* both joined the Order of Whispers, this serves as a very nice memorabilia.

As with almost every of those backpacks, it doesn’t just look good on first sight, it’s also full of details. The face very much looks like Tybalt already, but the injured right paw just adds to that. But wait. That’s not all! What’s that little label there? Is that a heart? It’s certainly red. Bookahnerk figured it out while I was still wondering why ArenaNet would add a heart there. It’s an apple, of course! Great love for details, as always!

Check out the images below, especially if you’re still uncertain whether you want to have one or not.

*Our regular readers may wonder what happened to Flummi, my asura mesmer. She’s more or less living a good life in retirement. I have switched to Paerjja, my asura warrior, and am so much happier with the combat now. In the end, I’m a melee player and I should know better by now than to try to play something else.