Guild Wars 2: Housing is coming?…

Quite recently, I got the urge again to play an MMO. My choice was between Guild Wars 2 and Lord of the Rings Online. I opted for the latter because whenever I do want to play GW2, I am reminded that there is so much left that I need to unlock first if I want to experience the game. This is mostly related to the elite specializations. I can live with not having all mounts unlocked.

But now, ArenaNet announced that housing will be coming with the next expansion.

What we don’t know yet: What kind of housing will it be? And I am apparently not the only one hoping it will be “real housing” this time. Although I think it is just too unlikely that it will be the disappointment of another Home Instance as the game has since gotten Guild Halls which are done very well. Unfortunately, they are just too expensive to do as a solo player and too big. For a Guild Hall, this is great, of course. But it doesn’t feel cozy at all. Seeing how this feature arrived in Guild Wars 2 years ago (back in 2015), it is about time we’re getting something for invidiual players.

GW2 Guild Hall

But hopefully, we will be ably to freely place items and be creative. I guess the guild halls are a good indicator as I doubt that they’re going to release something that works fundamentally different. They already have a working system with the guild halls, so the personal housing will be similar, right?

What I’m a bit skeptical about is that we see exactly one housing area in the announcement trailer and the spoken text makes it sound like this is it, speaking about “this place”. Will there be more with the expansion? Or at least, later one (and faster than one with every expansion)? Will we use the same items in the house than we’re using for the guild halls? I heard that they can be quite expensive… One thing we can be sure about is that the gem store will be involved (and this isn’t necessarily a bad thing because it keeps Guild Wars 2 running!).

I really wish they would give us more information right now. But all we can do now is patiently wait for them to tell us more. At least, we won’t have to wait another 10 years for that.

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