The Winner of Giveaway No. 1 has been chosen…

Congratulations to Seriously Mike! We will contact you shortly to send us your address, so we can send you your new t-shirt. :)

Thank you to everybody for participating! Unfortunately, we only had one t-shirt. :(

It was interesting to see several people mention the dervish class that they would want to see return. Other than that, Cantha and Elona were mentioned quite often, but I guess we all have our favourite campaign from Guild Wars and of course, we would love to see that one in Guild Wars 2. For me personally, this would be Elona.

Our second giveaway where you can win one of two Charrlies is still open, by the way. That one will close soon as well… it will close in a few hours. ;)


    1. Sorry no. They were handed out during the meet&greet, but I have no idea if or where they’ll be available. :(


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