Pictures of the Guild Wars 2 Collector’s Edition

Somebody mentioned picking up their Collector’s Edition yesterday and after being a bit jealous, I realized that if they had been able to pick up theirs, maybe we can go pick up ours as well. A little Google search showed that both, Saturn and Media Markt, were handing out the pre-purchased Collector’s Editions, so half an hour later, we were back home with our two boxes.

And as somebody asked on Twitter, I decided to take pictures and upload them. I guess everybody who has pre-purchased their Collector’s Edition will be able to see all of this for themselves soon. So for now, enjoy the pictures and your “anticipatory joy” (there doesn’t seem to be a direct translation for what I want to say. Pity ^^). If you want to see better pictures of the Rytlock figurine, I took some in Brighton (scroll down for the gallery).

Edit: “Fear Not This Night” is the sylvari theme song (source: GW2Guru).


      1. *takes on the handkerchief and wipes the drool* Thank you. I will bring it back, all washed and clean…. after launch probably! Until then I will keep drooling over these pictures. ;)


  1. Does the client CD acutally have something on it? like the game or is it just a downloader client to download the entire game?


    1. There are actually 2 DVDs. It wants to open the setup.exe and I assume it’s the whole client as otherwise, 2 DVDs wouldn’t make sense. :)


      1. I don’t get what your trying to say….the setup.exe, can’t be the full game, they can’t fit it on a DVD. What happens when you run the setup?


        1. You’re right. Sorry.

          Well, the first DVD has about 8GB on it. I didn’t want to try to install the client as I already have it installed. So all I can say right now is that there are two DVDs and I would hope it’s the full client because I don’t think it’d make sense to add 2 DVDs for the client when you end up having to download it anyway.


          1. Ah ok so the first one has 8GB of data on it, assuming the second one has 8GB too? thats 16gig, when the final release will be 25GB, so you have to download some :P


        2. I believe Paeroka is correct. It might not fit into one DVD, yes. But the installer can install everything from the first DVD, stop, ask for the 2nd DVD, install all the stuff from the 2nd DVD and then finish. Guild Wars 2 wouldn’t be the fist game to do something like and I doubt it will be the last.


          1. There are, however, games (*coughskyrimcough*) that apparently prefer(red) to download the game from the internet after starting the setup despite having the full client on DVD. Could have been because of Steam, but it’s still weird.


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