Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 news (no, not the last class reveal ^^)

Guild Wars now have their own official support forums! So far, they never had any official forums. I think that’s a good sign. Or at least, I interpret it as such. Guild Wars is still doing well and Guild Wars 2 might become quite big judging by how many people are interested in playing it. So some forums might be a good idea. Limiting it to support is also nice because from what I have seen in other official MMO forums, general forums etc. can get quite nasty with lots of “I want XY now!”

Tap Repeatedly has an exclusive interview where they’re talking about the design process of the Guild Wars 2 professions and how they’ve changed – yes, even after their initial release! The elementalist apparently got a bit of an overhaul again and we’ll be able to see that for ourselves when we’ll play the demo during the summer conventions. It’s a rather long read but if you’re in any way interested about the design process or rather the thoughts that went into designing the Guild Wars 2 professions, this will be very interesting for you!