Winners of the second week

GW2_Adventskalendar_blankThe winners of our second week’s giveaway have been chosen!

Cody has won our hero armor bundle. Alex is the winner of the GW2 item bundle and Dalton Galke has won the GW2 in-game t-shirt. Congratulations to all of you! We will be sending emails your way soon.

We didn’t say it the last time, so I’ll say it now: If you have won, you are eligible to enter the next giveaways! We’re choosing randomly and if you are that lucky, then you are that lucky. Simple as that. ;)

As you can see in our main posting another giveaway is currently open (where you can win a Tormented weapon among other items) and two more will come the next week! So there are still several chances to win some extra HoM points (or minis and dyes in GW2 ^^).

Thank you everybody for participating and for the kind words in your comments. :)