Tweets from the Hamburg Community Lunch with Colin

1_GW2_LogoA few minutes ago, the community lunch with Colin that took place in Hamburg, ended. I’m pretty sure we’ll get more information from the interviews soon on the various fansites that were invited. But Ramon Domke already tweeted a few things. Those tweets are all in German, so I’m certain that there are people out there looking at the letters wondering if they’re missing out.

But don’t worry, here is the English translation (with the German original next to it). All original tweets can be found on the official German Guild Wars 2 twitter account.

German tweet English translation
Colin lernt gerade allerhand über Currywurst, während er Sushi bestellt. Colin learns a lot about “Currywurst” while ordering sushi.
Colin spricht über die neuen Gildenmissionen. Je nach Gildengröße kann man die Aufgaben skalieren – für Gruppen größer als 5 Colin speaks about the new guild missions. The tasks can be scaled according to guild size – for groups larger than 5.
Gildenhallen werden definitiv kommen, werden allerdings derzeit noch nicht entwickelt. Guild Halls will definitely come, but they’re currently not in development.
Gildenmissionen sind so gestaltet, dass auch nicht-Gildenmitglieder daran teilnehmen können um kleineren Gilden zu helfen. Guild missions are designed in a way that non-guild members can participate in order to help small guilds.
Politik Stufe 5 für Gilden wird sehr bald mehr nutzen haben. Politics Level 5 for guilds will soon be more useful.
Das Spiel wird in Zukunft mehr und mehr neue Events in alten Zonen erhalten um die Event-Dichte zu erhöhen. In the future, the game will have more and new events in old zones in order to increase the density of events.
Es gibt bereits jetzt zahlreiche Hinweise über den Verbleib von Evenia in GW2. Also haltet die Augen und Ohren offen. There are already numerous hints about the whereabouts of Evennia in GW2. Keep your eyes and ears open.
WvW Meta-Game: Orbs sollen in veränderter Form zurückkommen, Grenzlande sollen wichtiger werden. WvW Meta game: Orbs are to come back in a modified version, borderlands should become more important.
Colin würde sehr gerne einen Plüsh-Quaggan haben… Er will gleich 3 :) Colin would really love to have a quaggan plushie… he wants 3 :)
Auch am dritten Buch wird noch gearbeitet. der Release steht bald(tm) bevor. The third book is still being worked on. The release will be soon(tm).
Die persönliche Geschichte soll in Zukunft fortgesetzt werden. Derzeit wird allerdings an der lebenden Geschichte gearbeitet. The personal story will be continued in the future. At the moment, however, they are working on the living story.
Der nächste Drache wird NICHT der Untersee-Drache sein. The next dragon will NOT be the deep sea dragon.
Zhaitan könnte später eine Überarbeitung erfahren. derzeit werden alle “geringeren” Dungeon-Bosse überarbeitet. Zhaitan could probably be overhauled later. Currently, all “lesser” dungeon bosses are being overhauled.
Support-Charaktere sollen durch die neue Anpassung der Loot-Tabelle bessere Belohnungen erhalten. Support characters should get better loot thanks to adapting the loot table.
Colins Lieblingsbier ist Hefeweizen. damit ist er gerade zum Super-Liebling des #GW2 #ComLunch aufgestiegen! Colin’s favourite beer is Hefeweizen (beer brewed from wheat) which made him to the super-favourite of the #GW2 #ComLunch!
Das erste Halloween Event in GW1 war eine spontane Idee, die vom gesamten Team übers Wochenende gestemmt wurde. The first Halloween event in GW1 was a spontaneous idea, which had been done by the whole team over the course of a weekend.
Extended Experience: Sie wird kommen, hat aber leider eine geringere Priorität. Die API soll CommunityApps ermöglichen.  Extended Experience: This will come, but unfortunately, it has a low priority. The API should allow CommunityApps.
 Wenn die Hauptsysteme ausgereift sind, kann sich Colin vorstellen, dass neue Features für Machinima Macher kommen werden. When the main systems are polished, Colin thinks there could be coming new features for machinima makers.
PvP Ranglisten werde sehr bald kommen, als erster Schritt Richtung eSport. Danach Beobachtermodus für Shoutcaster. PvP ranking lists will come very soon, as first step towards e-sports. After that, observer mode for shoutcasters.
YouTube Monetarisierung verstößt technisch gegen die EULA, aber wir gehen nicht dagegen vor! Viel Spaß beim Casten!
shayaliz auf Twitter: Gilt dasselbe auch für und co?
@shayaliz Ja, generell für CommunityVideos und Berichterstattung. bitte haltet euch nur an die Quellen-Regeln (Fanseite Kit)
YouTube monetarization does technically violate the EULA, but they aren’t taking action against it. Have fun creating!
shayaliz on Twitter: Does this also apply for etc.?
@shayaliz: Yes, community videos and reporting in general. Please abide by the rules for sources (fansite kit)
Colin spielt privat gerne WvW, üblicherweise kommt er nach einer guten Sitzung zu spät zur Arbeit. *lacht* Colin likes playing WvW in his free time. After a good session, he’s usually late for work. *laughs*
Neues Daily System: Man kann aus 10 Dailies 5 pro Tag auswählen, die sehr spezifisch sein werden. New dailies system: You can choose 5 per day out of 10 dailies, which will be very specific.
Kneipenschlägerei wird das nächste Minispiel sein, dass in das Spiel integriert werden wird. Bar brawl will be the next mini game, which will get into the game.
Polymock: Irgendwann wird es ins Spiel kommen. Colin hatte Polymock für GW1 entwickelt und will es zurück. Polymock: It will come into the game eventually. Colin has developed Polymock for GW1 and he wants it back.
Gildenmissionen: kleinere Gildengruppen können Hilfe von Spielern in der Welt bekommen. Alle finden in offener Welt statt Guild missions: smaller guild groups can get help from other players in the open world. All missions will take place in the open world.
Die lebendige Geschichte (aktuell: Flamme und Frost) wird bleibende Inhalte zur Spielwelt hinzufügen. The living story (currently: Flame and Frost) will add content to the game world that’ll be permanent.
Chat Spam in Löwenstein wegen der Fraktale: Das neue LFG System soll Abhilfe schaffen. Entwicklung schreitet voran. Chat spam in Lion’s Arch because of fractals: The new LFG system should change this. Development is progressing.
Das neue LFG System soll Gruppen nicht de-personalisieren und entfremden, wie das manche Dungeonfinder Systeme tun. The new LFG system should not de-personalize and estrange, as happens with some dungeon-finder systems.
Colin will mehr langfristige Welt-Veränderungen und Zonenübergreifende Einflüsse durch Events im Spiel sehen. Colin wants to see more long-term changes to the world and cross-zone influences through events in the game.
Das Commander System: es soll robuster gestaltet werden und neue Funktionen hinzufügt werden. The commander system: it should be more robust and new functions should be added.
Ein System ähnlich dem Template-System von GW1 soll kommen um leichteres Umskillen zu ermöglichen. aber nicht allzu bald. A system similar to the template system in GW1 should come in order to enable easier re-skilling. But not in the near future.
Warum die Entscheidung, dass im WvW in Zukunft erst ab 25 Spieler orange Kreuze gibt?
Spieler in kleinen Gruppen sollen die Möglichkeiten haben taktische Commando-Einsätze durchzuführen.
Why the decision to only show orange crosses for WvW fights when there are more than 25 players?
Players in small groups should have the possibility to undertake tactical commando operations.


  1. Thanks Paeroka! :)

    Me and my guild have been speculating a lot about how the guild missions will work. That answers some of our questions. Also, I am pretty sure some of us will be happy to know that guild halls are still in the plans even if they aren’t being developed right now. :)


    1. You’re welcome. :)

      I liked the bit about support characters and loot adjustment. Argh. Just spotted a false friend translation error there. There, fixed.

      And I’m curious about the LFG system. As much as I love it in WoW and how easy and fast it is to find a group (which saves hours of time and lots of nerves!), once you are inside a dungeon, the atmosphere is just SO different than when playing the old-fashioned way without LFG. It took hours to find a group, but in most cases, I left with at least one more name on my friends list for future dungeon runs (especially when I was playing with one of my healers ^^).


      1. It might not be too bad. There is already a site that works as a LFG tool. Me and some friends used it when we wanted to do some dungeons but didn’t have enough people. So far we only had issue with PuG once. But yeah, it is a pretty casual relationship, just get in the dungeon, get stuff done and get out. Not much talking done or much more socialization than that. So it works for getting dungeons done. But as far as making new friends… Not so much. :/


        1. Hmm… maybe we were “trained” by the various MMOs that dungeon runs are for tokens/loot and not for getting to know other people.

          I’ve only run through dungeons with RL friends and my main guild so far. We didn’t have any problems with those. ;)


          1. That is quite possible. Myself, I am a pretty quiet guy. Even more so when I am playing with new people. Still there were some dungeons where there was some funny banter. For instance, you can always count on Logan and his amazing skills of getting himself killed to be a good ice breaker. :)


        2. I still haven’t done too many dungeons. But that’s okay, it always takes me a long time to see them all. ;) Thankfully, my guild is big enough, so that it’s not too difficult to find others when I do want to do a dungeon. ^^

          Logan… gah. I don’t like him. But I think I haven’t seen much of him in the game yet. I guess I went to the wrong dungeons for that. ;)


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